2018年9月17日 星期一

RMK 秋冬系列 Glow in the Dark 今季必入的絕美仙氣彩妝

RMK 秋冬系列 Glow in the Dark 今季必入的絕美仙氣彩妝
今季 RMK 秋冬系列 Glow in the Dark
Autumn Winter 2018 超級靚呀~

夏沫, beauty, beautyblogger, beautytips, catherine, cosmetic, digitalPR, digitalprhk, lifestyleblogger, lovecath, makeup, photooftheday, RMKaw18, rmkbasemakeup, RMKGlowIntheDark, RMKHONGKONG, RMKSilkfitFacePowder,

前幾日去了 RMK 門市試最新的 RMK 秋冬系列 Glow in the Dark
由日籍專業化妝師 AT Wada 幫夏沫由底開始重新修飾

夏沫, beauty, beautyblogger, beautytips, catherine, cosmetic, digitalPR, digitalprhk, lifestyleblogger, lovecath, makeup, photooftheday, RMKaw18, rmkbasemakeup, RMKGlowIntheDark, RMKHONGKONG, RMKSilkfitFacePowder,

日本人出名做事認真又專業, 化妝師 AT Wada 超有心機
夏沫最近皮膚狀態不太好, 有些暗瘡印需要遮一下,
過程中發現這盒遮瑕膏超正, 雙色遮瑕膏旁竟然有準備了小小一格的粉餅
方便不時補妝後再添少少粉定妝, 超讚的一盒遮瑕組合

夏沫, beauty, beautyblogger, beautytips, catherine, cosmetic, digitalPR, digitalprhk, lifestyleblogger, lovecath, makeup, photooftheday, RMKaw18, rmkbasemakeup, RMKGlowIntheDark, RMKHONGKONG, RMKSilkfitFacePowder,


夏沫, beauty, beautyblogger, beautytips, catherine, cosmetic, digitalPR, digitalprhk, lifestyleblogger, lovecath, makeup, photooftheday, RMKaw18, rmkbasemakeup, RMKGlowIntheDark, RMKHONGKONG, RMKSilkfitFacePowder,

最後掃上 RMK Midnight Flower Blush 花漾胭脂
全新 3款 HK$320 (限量發售 )
01 Song Siren / 02 Terracotta / 03 Victorian Rose
糅合 3 色胭脂粉末, 為雙頰微添紅暈
而且還會散發高雅浪漫玫瑰花香, 越用越愛, 越愛越用~

夏沫, beauty, beautyblogger, beautytips, catherine, cosmetic, digitalPR, digitalprhk, lifestyleblogger, lovecath, makeup, photooftheday, RMKaw18, rmkbasemakeup, RMKGlowIntheDark, RMKHONGKONG, RMKSilkfitFacePowder,

這是 03 Victorian Rose

夏沫, beauty, beautyblogger, beautytips, catherine, cosmetic, digitalPR, digitalprhk, lifestyleblogger, lovecath, makeup, photooftheday, RMKaw18, rmkbasemakeup, RMKGlowIntheDark, RMKHONGKONG, RMKSilkfitFacePowder,

夏沫, beauty, beautyblogger, beautytips, catherine, cosmetic, digitalPR, digitalprhk, lifestyleblogger, lovecath, makeup, photooftheday, RMKaw18, rmkbasemakeup, RMKGlowIntheDark, RMKHONGKONG, RMKSilkfitFacePowder,

眼影用了RMK Moon Bloom Coloring Eyes 花漾四色眼影組
全新 6款 HK$440 (限量發售 )

夏沫, beauty, beautyblogger, beautytips, catherine, cosmetic, digitalPR, digitalprhk, lifestyleblogger, lovecath, makeup, photooftheday, RMKaw18, rmkbasemakeup, RMKGlowIntheDark, RMKHONGKONG, RMKSilkfitFacePowder,

化妝師為夏沫化的漸變眼妝, 眼影組可單使用亦可隨意配搭
01 Twelve O’clock / 02 Night Shadow / 03 Garden Dream / 04 Swinging Garden
05 Lighting Star / 06 Sun Flower Brown

夏沫, beauty, beautyblogger, beautytips, catherine, cosmetic, digitalPR, digitalprhk, lifestyleblogger, lovecath, makeup, photooftheday, RMKaw18, rmkbasemakeup, RMKGlowIntheDark, RMKHONGKONG, RMKSilkfitFacePowder,

這是 01 Twelve O’clock, 近看會先到微微的細緻閃粉
夏沫的眼睛是一隻長一隻圓, 化妝師 Tips 如果想化出大大圓圓的眼睛
重點將色加在中間位置, 不建議畫眼線在眼尾
睫毛液在中間部份也特別掃多兩次, 這樣便可化個圓圓大眼妝

夏沫, beauty, beautyblogger, beautytips, catherine, cosmetic, digitalPR, digitalprhk, lifestyleblogger, lovecath, makeup, photooftheday, RMKaw18, rmkbasemakeup, RMKGlowIntheDark, RMKHONGKONG, RMKSilkfitFacePowder,

一齊來看看驚人的 Before & After 吧, 哈哈~~

夏沫, beauty, beautyblogger, beautytips, catherine, cosmetic, digitalPR, digitalprhk, lifestyleblogger, lovecath, makeup, photooftheday, RMKaw18, rmkbasemakeup, RMKGlowIntheDark, RMKHONGKONG, RMKSilkfitFacePowder,

RMK Moon Bloom Finishing Powder 花漾香氛蜜粉
全新 1款 HK$440 (限量發售)

夏沫, beauty, beautyblogger, beautytips, catherine, cosmetic, digitalPR, digitalprhk, lifestyleblogger, lovecath, makeup, photooftheday, RMKaw18, rmkbasemakeup, RMKGlowIntheDark, RMKHONGKONG, RMKSilkfitFacePowder,

輕輕混合 3 色,質感粉嫩細膩,輕輕為臉添上柔和通透感

夏沫, beauty, beautyblogger, beautytips, catherine, cosmetic, digitalPR, digitalprhk, lifestyleblogger, lovecath, makeup, photooftheday, RMKaw18, rmkbasemakeup, RMKGlowIntheDark, RMKHONGKONG, RMKSilkfitFacePowder,

夏沫, beauty, beautyblogger, beautytips, catherine, cosmetic, digitalPR, digitalprhk, lifestyleblogger, lovecath, makeup, photooftheday, RMKaw18, rmkbasemakeup, RMKGlowIntheDark, RMKHONGKONG, RMKSilkfitFacePowder,

還有這支令夏沫神暈癲倒的 RMK Midnight Flower Lipstick花漾唇膏
全新 3 色 HK$320 (限量發售)
01 Mystique Glow / 02 Mysterious Red / 03 Darling Flower

夏沫, beauty, beautyblogger, beautytips, catherine, cosmetic, digitalPR, digitalprhk, lifestyleblogger, lovecath, makeup, photooftheday, RMKaw18, rmkbasemakeup, RMKGlowIntheDark, RMKHONGKONG, RMKSilkfitFacePowder,

2 種對比色輕鬆打造漸變妝效
陣陣甜美濃郁的香水草及迷迭, 塗出甜絲絲的香唇

夏沫, beauty, beautyblogger, beautytips, catherine, cosmetic, digitalPR, digitalprhk, lifestyleblogger, lovecath, makeup, photooftheday, RMKaw18, rmkbasemakeup, RMKGlowIntheDark, RMKHONGKONG, RMKSilkfitFacePowder,

夏沫, beauty, beautyblogger, beautytips, catherine, cosmetic, digitalPR, digitalprhk, lifestyleblogger, lovecath, makeup, photooftheday, RMKaw18, rmkbasemakeup, RMKGlowIntheDark, RMKHONGKONG, RMKSilkfitFacePowder,

RMK Midnight Flower Lip Gloss 花漾唇彩
全新 3 色 HK$250 (限量發售 )
01 Dance in Shadow / 02 Sparkle Dusk / 03 Shower Blossom

夏沫, beauty, beautyblogger, beautytips, catherine, cosmetic, digitalPR, digitalprhk, lifestyleblogger, lovecath, makeup, photooftheday, RMKaw18, rmkbasemakeup, RMKGlowIntheDark, RMKHONGKONG, RMKSilkfitFacePowder, 夏沫, beauty, beautyblogger, beautytips, catherine, cosmetic, digitalPR, digitalprhk, lifestyleblogger, lovecath, makeup, photooftheday, RMKaw18, rmkbasemakeup, RMKGlowIntheDark, RMKHONGKONG, RMKSilkfitFacePowder,

色澤透亮的花漾唇彩,巧妙融和 3 色配方
既香既甜既夢幻, 為雙唇增添水凝純淨光感

夏沫, beauty, beautyblogger, beautytips, catherine, cosmetic, digitalPR, digitalprhk, lifestyleblogger, lovecath, makeup, photooftheday, RMKaw18, rmkbasemakeup, RMKGlowIntheDark, RMKHONGKONG, RMKSilkfitFacePowder,

夏沫, beauty, beautyblogger, beautytips, catherine, cosmetic, digitalPR, digitalprhk, lifestyleblogger, lovecath, makeup, photooftheday, RMKaw18, rmkbasemakeup, RMKGlowIntheDark, RMKHONGKONG, RMKSilkfitFacePowder,

RMK Nail Polish 指甲油
全新 5 色 HK$140 (限量發售 )
EX -11 Night Garden / EX -12 Deep Rose / EX-13 Grayish Brown
EX -14 Aurora Clay / EX -15 Moonlight Blue
全新 5 款指甲油新色限量登場

夏沫, beauty, beautyblogger, beautytips, catherine, cosmetic, digitalPR, digitalprhk, lifestyleblogger, lovecath, makeup, photooftheday, RMKaw18, rmkbasemakeup, RMKGlowIntheDark, RMKHONGKONG, RMKSilkfitFacePowder,

輕輕掃上一層, 色澤時尚優雅

RMK 專櫃:崇光百貨 (銅鑼灣店 、尖沙咀)、FACESSS(海港城 )、旺角朗豪坊 Beauty Avenue 、一田百貨 (沙田 )、屯門 V city

RMK 查詢電話 : 2865-0941

RMKHONGKONG, RMKaw18, RMKGlowIntheDark, rmkbasemakeup, RMKSilkfitFacePowder, DigitalPR, DigitalPRHK, photooftheday, cosmetic, beauty, 夏沫, lovecath, catherine, beautyblogger, makeup, beautytips, lifestyleblogger, HKig, hkiger, lifestyle,

Product(s) sponsored by RMK謝謝大家來看LoveCath夏沫的文章啊~^^~
Catherine (LoveCath夏沫),
電郵 love.cath@yahoo.com.hk / lovecathcath@gmail.com

分享平台 Blog
TheZtyle ~ http://cathcath.theztyle.com/
Tumblr ~ http://www.lovecathcatherine.tumblr.com

LoveCath 夏沫



Beauty Blogger ~ 自小愛寫作愛紀錄, 喜歡將一切美好事物紀錄下來, 與眾同樂。
自成為 Blogger 後, 由一名從不照鏡的男仔頭, 轉變為今天的夏沫~
喜愛參與各大活動, 喜歡欣賞各大品牌的悉心佈置多於一切~
喜歡設計的我, 喜歡有特式的衣著配搭, 舒適有個性為主要選擇~
少食多餐是夏沫的宗旨, 可以留QUOTA試盡天下美食~^^~
夢想環遊世界, 將旅遊經歷一一紀錄 ~ 遊歷超過十多個國家仍未達理想 ~
雙子座的世界, 實在太多東西想試想做想見識~
歡迎邀稿 love.cath@yahoo.com.hk